In Memoriam
This memorial page is dedicated to all our deceased classmates listed 
alphabetically by maiden name  

Barbara Allen Harring
Marjorie Ahlberg Henry
BetsyAndrews Jauss
Ann Arnold White
Fleda Asbury Dean
Mary-Alana Baker Ellis
Nancy Bair Peacock
Ginny Barbour Shope
Carolyn Barstow Pledger
Adrienne Becker Zausner
Jane Beebe Turner
Doris Berger Berkstresser
Patricia Berlin Corelli
Rhoda Ann Bierstedt
Alice Blomquist Crotty
Valerie Bloomstein Sickle
Eleanor Bookstein Gorodetzer
Carolyn Brastow Pledger
Margaret Broughton Tenney
Liz Butler Bailey
Margorie Braverman Green
Anne Buttrick Irwin
Patricia Cannon Sprague
Gay Chaffee Hartman
Bette Marie Christ
Francoise Christiaen
Ann Clark Wolff
Ann Cole Berquist
Joyce Cudlipp Wiggin
Anne Bush Lemp
Susan Colby McGreevy
Judith Cooper Healy
Kathryn Coram Gagnon
Carol Costello Leary
Margaret Cranston Parsons
Susan Danielson Wood
Connie DeMuzio Kehoe
Constance de Toulouse Lautrec
Ellen Dobbie Full
Suzanne Donaldson Poor
Nancy Drum Price
Denny Edgar Gordon
Marcia Eigen Evans
Thelma Englander Goldberg
Clarita Erlandsen Davis
Rhoda Ernst Babcock Bannon
Frances Eskridge Guttmacher
Jane Estey Peters
Jane Fauver Montgomery
Deborah Fenbert Weiss
Ellie Fischel Ruben
Sandra Fitch Stakeley
Anna Fogelberg Verret
Nancy A. Finck
Sandra Fitch Stakeley
Judith Fuld Miller
Janet Galley Peckham
Anne Garcin Wasson
Anne Goodrich Raynor
Jean Gordon Tompkins
Joan Gotwals Schaefer
Lois Graham Tingler
Barbara Grant Deedy
Barbara Grave Storms
Margaret Hale Kunhardt
Heather Hamilton Thwarp
Cynthia Hannah Jones
Pat Hassick Bolton
Jean Hopkins Sargent
Joyce Howard MacFarland
Elizabeth Humphries Richardson
Naomi Isquith Moessinger
Helen Jacobs Altman
Margot Johnson Grubb
Mary Louise Johnson Pinkham
Elise Karas Kenney
Martha Ann Kelleran
Phyllis Kenney Gaffney
Pamela Kenworthy Harer
Barbara Klickstein Rubenberg
Phyllis Klietzen Campbell
Janice A. Krusen
Linka Kruysman Lee
Nancy Leech Mohr
Dorothy Lefkowitz Litwin
Beverly Lindholm Kelsey
Florence Lockhart Nimick
Sally Manly John
Rima Maxwell Segal
Bebe McClure Anderson
Ann McGregor Graaskamp
Joan McGuire Voight
Barbara McReynolds Dubee
Liliane Mejean Morrison
Nancy Merrell Swertfager
Elizabeth Miller Jenkins
Catherine Miner Murphy
Sally Morton Duncombe
Joan Morrison Mason
Myra Mullins Baker
Barbara Muehrcke Allen
Patricia O'Keeffe Brodt
Anne Orvis Lucas
Judith Ortlieb Noyes
Mary Jane Parker Young
Evangeline Papantones Callahan
Polly Paradise Russell
Margaret Paschen Stewart
Virginia Perkins Fraser
Cynthia Pinney Hammar
Marion Phear Strandberg
Jean Piser Zuver
Nancy Powers Taylor
Betsey Pratt Marlowe
Ann Prosswimmer Pratt
Barbara Raye Lockert
Elise (Butch) Raymond Wallace
Jeanne Romieux Uhlich
Margot Rusch Allison
Jane Sanborn Ergood
Stevia Sargent Lesher
Lois Schmidt Shie
Henrietta Simler Buch
Suzanne Sitterly Nelson
Eda Small Mayer
Shirley Smith Smith
Mary Sommer Seasword
Constance Spence Powell
Elizabeth Spofard DeGraw
CA St John Gebhardt
Virginia Starr Pope
Ellen Steiner
Sue Steinharter Friendlander
Ann Stevenson Berman
Susan Stien Maire
Carol Stover Murphy
Catherine Suarez Szap
Kristen Swanfeldt Sergienko
Joan Throckmorton Folger
Joan Thorton Baldridge
Paula Titiev Steuer-Davis
Barbara Toman Mundy
Martha Tuttle Ickler
Ann Underhill Rosenbaum
Gail Voelker Barrnett
Gail Wainwright Tseckares
Phyllis Walsh Crocker
Anna M. Washburn
Barbara Welt Alessandro
Mary Weaver Wilson
Liz WInship Periale
Gwendolyn Weirnick Herzig
Elizabeth White Saunders
Nancy Whittum Steen
Joan Williams Stern
Janice Arline Wilson
Mary Winship Periale
Betsy Winters Horton
Beth Whitaker Maker
Helene Yeager Peters
Nancy Young Duncan
Loraine Zellan Greenspan

June 5, 2004
November 30, 2011
April 4, 2024
October 19, 2021
October 22, 2017
July 29, 2022
November 28, 2023
September 9, 2009
December 15, 2019
July 8, 2021
January 22, 2013
October 26, 2007
April 20, 2017
October 24, 2020
June 26, 2009
October 27, 2005
November 8, 2011
December 15, 2019
December 27, 2016
June 30, 2017
December 11, 2019
February 21, 2006
November 11, 2019
June 7, 2020
July 26, 1954
November 30, 2019
July 12, 2017
October 4, 2023
February 21, 2010
March 31, 2010
May 9, 2022
December 5, 2018
December 20, 2004
February 12, 2012
November 27, 2006
December 24, 2008
January 11, 2008
October 10, 2017
March 12,2022
January 17, 2021
October 16, 2019
May 29, 2012
September 13, 2018
March 14, 2015
November 17, 2019
November 21,2022
May,18, 1999
June 2, 2017
April 25, 2018
September 16,1991
March 5, 1987
April 6, 2022
May 26, 2013
April 25,1996
March 1986
March 2005
March 21,1999
July 4, 2020
January 24, 1990
June 6, 2018
November 2, 2020
February 10, 2022
March 26, 2021
December 11,1991
October 11, 2004
March 13, 2016
June 1, 2004
December 16, 2008
February 21, 2015
May 13, 2022
October 21, 2016
June 20, 2003
December 30, 2013
January 13, 2000
June 4, 2014
November 9, 2023
December 24, 2022
November 25, 2016
July 1, 2014
August 16, 2007
May 12, 2024
June 27, 2016
May 16, 2017
August 14, 2021
January 22, 2018
September 12, 1976
May 25, 1981
December 28, 2013
October 20, 2022
September 8, 2017
October 21, 2015
June 5, 2017
May 11, 1990
February 23, 2014
January 29, 2017
April 21, 2023
September 2, 2010
July 9, 2005
June 30, 2010
September 10, 2010
November 26, 2017
August 8, 2023
May 25, 1982
June 2, 2011
November 1. 2009
September 6, 1982
March 5, 2006
August 19, 2019
October 13, 2004
January 29, 2017
April 15, 2017
December 22, 2017
December 8, 2017
November 14, 2011
March 8, 2017
March 2001
May 22, 2019
March 30, 2008
January 15, 2019
September 22, 2022
February 25, 2020
September 12, 2015
November 3, 2023
October 8, 2013
February 13, 2012
January 23, 1998
May 24, 2023
December 30, 1993
November 23, 2021
February 5, September 25, 2022
May 1, 2016
December 6, 2005
September 11, 2023
December 17, 2022
September 10, 2021
May 26, 2014
June 10, 2014
May 19, 2020
September 8, 1980
February 18, 2013
March 3, 2018
January 14, 2021
August 23, 2023
June 17, 2013
April 23, 2021
April 28, 1978
December 8, 1994
April 6, 2014
November 20, 1989
May 31, 2016
July 26 1990
February 28, 2014
March 6, 1994
 May 22, 1986
May 31, 2016
April 24, 2013
March 7, 2016
Jan 4, 2021
December 22, 2000
May 7, 2022
July 19, 2016

Pat O'Keeffe Brodt
August 8, 2023
Pat O’keeffe Brodt died in Venice, Florida after a fall in her assisted living community. She was born on February 24, 1932 in New Rochelle, NY, where she attended the local schools before entering Mount Holyoke where she was a Sarah Williston Scholar.

Pat worked for CBS in New York City for the Vice President of the Sports Network for eight years before marrying Phil Brodt and moving to Chicago. She was not happy to leave New York City which she dearly loved.

They had two daughters Molly and Katie who went on to give Pat and Phil four grandchildren. When her daughters became adolescents, she went back to work at Lake Forest University.

In 2001 they moved near Sarasota, Florida and became full-time Floridians, trading snowstorms for hurricanes. Phil died in 2017 and two years later Pat moved into a retirement community in Venice, FL.

Quoting from her entry in our 50th reunion book it says, “As I think about our 50th reunion, Mount Holyoke remains one of the defining influences of my life. My dearest friends are classmates who are helping me through these trying times of cancer treatments. My goal is to attend reunion and celebrate what we shared together in our years at Mount Holyoke and in the years since, and to rejoice in the special friendships that were nurtured in that unique place.”

Well against all odds Pat went on to attend our 50th reunion and many more. Her bravery under her cancer ordeal was outstanding, and as petite as she was, she was a giant in courage. It was an absolute miracle that she survived.

The Brodts and the Ripleys shared many trips abroad and we always spent two weeks with them in Florida when it was freezing in New York, and they spent two weeks with us in Cape Cod when it was sweltering in Florida. They were fun filled times. We had met In Safford in 1951 and our strong friendship remained these seventy-one long years. She will be dearly missed.

Ann U. Rosenbaum, 89, of Billerica, MA entered into rest Tuesday, August 23, 2023 at home. She was married to the late Harold F. Rosenbaum.

Born in Newton, MA, she graduated from Windsor High School of Boston with the class of 1951. She is a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College with a BA in Liberal Arts and a graduate of Loyola University with a Masters in Social Work and a Master's in Education from University of Chicago.

She retired from Child Guidance Center in Bridgeport, CT. She previously worked at Jewish Family Services in Chicago, IL She was a founding member of Women on Watch of Stamford, CT.

She loved people and enjoyed travelling, reading, Scrabble and knitting.
She is survived by her son David Rosenbaum his daughter Susan Mavor his sister Audrey Swartz and two grandchildren Ethan and Rachel. 

Ann Underhill Rosenbaum
August 23, 2023
 Ann Stevenson Berman died peacefully on the morning of September 11th, 2023. She was gracious to the end, holding on until all her daughters had a chance to sit by her side and say final goodbyes.

 She is survived by her sister, Elizabeth (Betsey) Hassrick, and by her four daughters, Priscilla (Kaufman, Jane Bourgeois, Katie Bailey, Sara Jensen, as well as twelve grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.

 She grew up in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania and graduated from Stroudsburg High School at the top of her class, where she developed a cadre of close friends who remained connected throughout their lives. Friendships, gardening, and books are three things she cherished throughout her life.

 She went on to attend Mount Holyoke College where she continued to build life-long friendships and learned the art of smoking, a habit she had until she gave it up cold turkey in her late 50s! After college, she worked in Washington DC for two years before heading to Columbia University for a Masters in Special Education.

At Columbia, she reconnected with, and then married her old friend, Dan Berman, who she had known since high school. Dan always said Ann was the smartest person he knew. She agreed. Together they moved to Salt Lake City, Utah in August of 1960 and established their lives there. Although their marriage ended, their lifelong friendship prospered, teaching their daughters a valuable lesson in friendship, love and respect.

In Salt Lake, she raised her four dynamic, charming and self-effacing daughters, where she instilled in each of them a belief in their own intelligence. (It wasn't until later in life that we realized we were not the smartest people in the room but thanks for the gift of confidence Mom!).

She volunteered at the Drug Crisis Center and at the ART Barn. Later she became a Master Gardener, and throughout her life she always made time to spend with her many close friends. She was immensely proud (as are we) that she co-founded the King's English bookstore with her good friend Betsy Burton before she went on to work as a librarian and fiction buyer for The Salt Lake City Public Library System. She had no tolerance for rules she deemed stupid, and was revered for her book reviews and recommendations, earning a reputation as an outspoken book snob. She worked tirelessly recommending books and waiving late fees, creating a lifelong inability in all of her daughters to return books on time!

Her favorite authors included Wallace Stegner, John Irving, Barbara Kingsolver and EB White. Although not a fan of Danielle Steel, she believed all books spoke to someone, and NO books should be banned.

Late in life, Ann moved to Baltimore to be close to her children and to her family in Pennsylvania. A private service will be held in Pennsylvania near her family's farm.

In lieu of flowers, we encourage you to read a good book, have a stiff drink, laugh in the company of close friends and make a donation to your local library!

We end with one of her favorites, EB White: "We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry." We miss you Mom.

Ann Stevenson Berman
September 11, 2023
Joyce Cudlipp Wiggins
October 4, 2023

Joyce Cudlipp Wiggin (“Cuddles” to us,) was a kind and caring woman who helped many people throughout her life. A lifelong resident of Short Hills, NJ, Joyce had a 66-year happy marriage to R. Mitchell Wiggin who died 36 hours after she did. They leave two daughters and five grandchildren.

In Short Hills, Joyce was an active volunteer with New Eyes for the Needy, Christ Episcopal Church, and Kent Place School of Summit, NJ.

Joyce’s MHC/Short Hills friends included Juli Shea Towell, Henrietta Simler Buch, MC Bachmann Churchill and Virginia Perkins Fraser.

Henrietta Simler Buch
November 3, 2023
Henrietta L. Buch “Hennie Simler” , age 90, passed away peacefully on November 2, 2023 at the Degreef Hospice House in St. Louis , MO. She lived in St. Louis for the past 6 years at Crestview Senior Living. She played in their Chimes group, was an Ambassador for new residents, and proudly managed the property Greenhouse.

 Best known as “Granny”, she had a full life with her 3 daughters and 3 granddaughters, and extended family. She was an avid gardener and was known as the “Plant Lady” at Crestview. 

A gracious Mount Holyoke Alum, she always looked forward to news and contact with her longtime college friends. 

“Life without friends is like a garden without flowers”

Elizabeth Jane Miller Jenkins "Biddy", age 89, died peacefully surrounded by family on April 21, 2023.

Biddy was born in Richardson Park, Delaware, in 1933 and graduated from
Wilmington Friends School in 1951 and from Mount Holyoke College in 1955. In her Junior Year of college she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. 

She married William Andrews Jenkins in 1954 and they had four children, ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Biddy was active in the community and was proud of her involvement in the Junior League of Wilmington where she served as president. Among the accomplishments of her term was the founding of DAPI - Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc., the only statewide comprehensive school-based program serving pregnant and parenting teens and their families. She was also involved with preservation of Old Brandywine Village, where the Junior League is headquartered.

When her youngest - Ann - went to first grade, Biddy went back to school and graduated with bachelors and masters degrees in nursing from University for Delaware. She taught clinical nursing from 1980 to 1998 and received many teaching awards, including Professor of the Year in 1984 and 1985, recognition for outstanding service and
dedication to students in 1991, and the appreciation award from the senior nursing class in 1998. She also served as president of the Visiting Nurse Association.

She and Bill were avid travelers and traveled around the world twice en route to visit her parents who were serving as medical missionaries in Nepal. Bill died in 2001 and Biddy remarried John Day in 2013 in Hawaii where her daughter - Tyrie - served as the officiant. 

Among her other interests were gardening, bridge, tennis, and needlepoint. She was a self-taught fabulous cook. One of her favorite stories is howshe won the nine-hole women's golf championship at the Wilmington Country Club when she was nine months pregnant. When the pro expressed concern, she reassured him that if she gave birth during the tournament she would make sure she delivered in the sand trap.

Biddy was known for her irreverent wit. A gathering to celebrate Biddy's life will be held later this year.

Elise was born in New York City on June 8, 1934, She graduated from the Ursuline School in New Rochelle, NY in 1951 and Mount Holyoke College in 1955. She earned a master's degree in microbiology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1961, and she pursued a PhD at the George Washington University and SUNY-Buffalo from 1962 through 1966. Elise also spent time as a research assistant at the Rockefeller Institute and an editorial assistant at Scientific American.

 Elise married James D. Kenney in July 1963. After spending a year in London, England, Elise and Jim relocated from Buffalo, NY to North Haven, CT where they made their home until Elise moved in 2018.

Elise began volunteering at the Yale University Art Gallery, where her long-term, but less nurtured passion for art won out over science. Spending most of her time in the prints and drawings department, Elise found a second family at YUAG. She worked as a free-lance editor of several catalogs and other academic work related to art history, and
in 1988 she earned a second master's degree from Wesleyan University in Liberal Studies with a focus on art history.

 Elise's careful eye, tireless work ethic, and gracious nature helped bring excellence to all exhibits and publications at several art galleries. With the support of her alma mater in 1989, Elise curated and exhibited her first show on Tiepolo's Rest on the Flight to Egypt. In 1991, Mount Holyoke's Art Museum published Elise's research on "The Pear: French
Graphic Arts in the Golden Age of Caricature." Elise retired in May 2018 as the first ever Archivist for Yale's Art Gallery.

Elise is survived by her son, Christopher and daughter, Anne, and her
four grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations in Elise's memory may be sent to the Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, Animal Haven in North Haven, CT or to an organization of your choice.

Elizabeth Jane Miller Jenkins
April 21, 2023
Elise Karas Kenney
November 9, 2023
Nancy Bair Peacock, of Greenville, SC, died on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. She was the daughter of Dr. George Elmer Bair and Josephine Langham Bair of Pittsburgh, PA, and the wife of the late Dundas Grant Peacock.

She is survived by her three sons; Bradley, his wife Tracy, and their sons Tasker and George; Douglas and his children, Aly, Sam, Emery, and Ben; and Craig, and his wife Yun.

Nancy Bair Peacock
November 28, 2023
Helen "Betsy" (Andrews) Jauss, 91, of Newport, RI, passed away with her family by her side on April 4, 2024, in the St. Clare Home in Newport. She was the wife of the late Captain Charles Walter Jauss, USN, (Ret.) for 58 years.

Born in Buffalo, NY, she was the daughter of the late Raynal and Helen (Edgeley) Andrews.
Betsy graduated from the Emma Willard School. She graduated from Mount Holyoke College in 1955 with a Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Drama. Betsy worked as a Television Producer for PBS in Pittsburgh and U.S. Steel in Pittsburgh, but found her calling as a homemaker, mother, and wife

 She married Captain Charles Walter Jauss on October 24, 1963. Betsy and Captain Jauss were long-time parishioners of Trinity Episcopal Church in Newport.

Betsy is survived by her two daughters, Sarah Jauss and Catie Huang She additionally leaves five grandchildren, 

Funeral services for Mrs. Jauss will be private in Trinity Episcopal Church. Additional information at

Helen "Betsy" Andrews Jauss
April 4, 2024
 Phyllis Kletzien Campbell 1933 - 2024 Beloved wife of Ted, caring mother of Tom and Sarah, loving "Ama" of Katie, Bethany, and Megan, treasured sister, dear friend, and global citizen, Phyllis K. Campbell, 90, of Piper Shores, Scarborough, passed away on May 12, 2024 of natural causes.

Phyl was born in Buffalo, and she spent her early years in Williamsville, NY. The family then lived with her maternal grandmother in West Hartford, CT while her father served in WWII and the reconstruction. After his return, they moved to Swarthmore, PA, where she met the love of her life, Edward F. (Ted) Campbell, Jr. in the Presbyterian Church youth group there. 

After she attended Mount Holyoke College for three years, Phyl and Ted were married and left for Chicago, where she finished her BA at Lake Forest College. They moved to Baltimore, where she taught at Baltimore Friends School. Returning to Chicago, Ted joined the faculty
of McCormick Theological Seminary, and Phyl became a mother to James (died 1958), Thomas, and Sarah; faculty-supporter and community-builder; and active member of the Lake View Presbyterian Church. 

Mom poured her love, energy, and caring into raising her children. She never lost her devotion to working with children, teaching part-time in nursery schools, earning a Master's Degree in
Early Childhood Education at Erikson Institute, and volunteering in children's hospitals.

When Ted and Phyl left Chicago and McCormick Seminary, an endowed chair in Social Justice Ministry was established in both their names. Phyllis' ongoing commitment to justice and a more caring world was evident in her support of a variety of peace initiatives in the Middle
East (where Ted and Phyl had visited over several decades and briefly lived); her dedication to helping underprivileged, unhoused, and hungry people; and her participation in organizations that created access to services and support for all.

Ama and Pah moved to Piper Shores in Scarborough in 2001, in order to be nearer their family. Here in Maine, she volunteered at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital playroom at MMC for a number of years, supported the Sudanese refugee community, served on the nutrition
committee at Piper Shores, and brought her skills in community building and gentle personal support to the Piper Shores and Greater Portland communities.

Mom's commitment to children and education shone through her volunteer work, but also in her creative and nurturing times with her granddaughters and other youth. She knew how to be silly, fun, and educational all at the same time, and her creative and crafty side runs through her offspring. Always the connector, she loved to plan large group gatherings and activities for extended family. The world will miss her spirit, kindness, and dedication to allowing everyone to know that they matter as humans. We certainly do.

Phyllis Klietzen Campbell
May 12, 2024